Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January 2018 Recap

Either I'm getting older and just can't keep up or this month jetted by super fast!  Well, I am getting older, and I probably can't keep up, but I'm going to keep on trying.

Cold weather makes me want to hibernate, so I didn't do too much this month.

We were hit with a snow storm 1/9-1/10.  I should've taken pics, but of course, I didn't.

On 1/13/18, we (me, Maya, & Katy) went to the WSSU basketball game against St. Augustine's with Maya's cheer squad.  Of course, I wore my Aggie hoodie-gotta rep A&T on the weekends.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to download the team pic from the Bloomz app to add it here.  But the girls did a great job doing a few sequences in the stands.

Later some of us went to Applebee's for a bite to eat.

So I said, I was getting older, and I did.  January 27th was the day that I hit the 41 year mark.  Keeping in my new tradition of going somewhere new and/or trying something new, we attended the Honda Battle of the Bands for the first time.  I've been wanting to go for years, and I finally made it.  My Aggies participated this year, and I was excited to see them.  Some of the other bands had amazing formations, but I'm bias.   Even though there wasn't a winner, A&T will always be the winner in my eyes. 

I started the celebration on the 26th with a massage from my wonderful massage therapist, Ms. "Bunny" Jackie.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year 2018!!!

It's been nearly a full year since I started my blog.  As my very first post stated, I started the blog for me to keep up with my activities and memories, but not necessarily for others.  Of course I've shared the blog with others, but the primary purpose was just for me.

I'm in awe at how many people have looked at my posts and shared in my experiences.  I just learned yesterday (1.1.18) that my blog has actually helped motivate others to go back to school, to start participating in more outdoor activities, and to just look at life differently.

I can truly say that 2017 was a challenging year for many reasons.  Nonetheless, I pressed through the challenges, and was still able to have loads of fun.  God is good!

I plan on adding more to and crossing off more things on my Dreams List in 2018, and should anyone else read this post, I encourage you to do the same.  Live out loud.  Without fear.  Without worry.

I've got to do better at whipping out the camera to get some pics, but here are a few shots taken at MTZBC's NYE service.

Me, Teegs, Wayne-O, & Jen Jen

Thanks to Tracey B. for capturing the moment.  We are truly a work in progress.

Me, Tracey, and baby Teegs (Teegan)

Maya & Tracey