Thursday, March 29, 2018

Random Videos from My Past

A Star is born!!!!  I did enjoy my days at the CDub.

MTZBC Arts & Drama Ministry Leaders (Mime & Dance) for then Pastor Pierce's anniversary

Finally opening up and letting go...

MTZBC Black History Presentation

Cheering Away Winter: February-March Recap

***WARNING-This is sheer randomness, and just my way to hold on to a few memories (but that's no different from any of my other posts.  :) ) ***

I can truly say that I hate winter weather.  If I've never said it, I'm saying it now, and will continue to say it.  UGH!!!  The coldness has kept me somewhat hibernated.

I was a terrible dog-ma.  Bentley apparently wore his shirt for too many weeks in a row.  After brushing his hair/fur out, he looked like one of my longer afros.

March 17, 2018:  We made it to our first Stomp & Shake competition.  Happy birthday, Taylor!

Sometime in February, I convinced Pam to go hiking.  Check out the "Talking Shoes" post to see why this picture of her shoes is so important.  Hilariousness!!!

Black Panther was great!!!!  Too bad Dee jetted off before I could get this picture.

The girls and I volunteering on a cold, dreary Sunday afternoon.

My first time being a cheerleader.  Shout out to the AJP moms who were able to cheer with their daughters.  I think we did a superb job after having only a few practices.  The vid is a little blurry, but I'm the one in front with the hat on and Maya is to left (right on the screen).   I guess I'll see if the Panthers or Hornets cheer teams are hiring....  :)

Now that Spring has sprung, I'm getting ready for some new adventures.

Stay tuned......