Sunday, June 23, 2019

Skydiving Part One and a Half (6.22.19)

It's been about 4 years since we did the indoor skydiving adventure, and it's taken me just about as long to convince Schmanne and Jamie to do the actual skydive.  Jamie did brave up last year and did it.  She loved it so much that she was ready to do it again.

Since I already did it 2 years ago, I decided to tag along with Jamie, Kahlan, & Schmanne to offer support for 2 newbies.

We had a great time cuttin' up, and I'm so proud of them for conquering fears and working on their dream/bucket/to do lists.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Saying Good-bye, & Saying Hello (6.1.19)

It was an all too familiar scenario, and was super painful, but I was glad I was able to be there for my friend as she had to say good-bye to Mandi.  T.B. had been Mandi's mom for almost 18 years!!!  She was such a cute little lady.

Some people truly don't understand the bond.  I won't post the group pic since I didn't get permission, but I'm glad T.B. & Mandi had so many people to be there for comfort.

After we managed to get ourselves together emotionally, I ventured over to the Hammer Tiny House ribbon cutting event.  I am a huge lover of tiny homes and cozy little spaces.

Memorial Day Weekend 2019

Earlier in the week, we helped Maya make posters for her Miss Sophomore campaign.  Unfortunately, she didn't win, but she did make the JV cheer squad!  I think the posters came out great.

Friday night we went to Olive Garden to celebrate her making the team.  Go Panthers!!!

I started Saturday (5.25.19) off by volunteering with the animal shelter.    We took several dogs to the Farmer's Market for socialization and possible adoption.  I had the pleasure of holding Cisco, a pit/pit mix.  He was soooooo beyond strong that my body was sore for a week.  Although he was a bit wildly at first, I was eventually able to get him calmed down.  He was such a sweet dog, and I hope he finds a home soon.

On Memorial Day, Maya & I ventured out to Wet N' Wild with Pam & Kay.  My legs needed some sun!