Thursday, February 23, 2023

President's Day with Coyotes (2.20.23)

 I've been trying to scout out the Bill Craft Trail (out & back) at the Richardson-Taylor Preserve for weeks.  I finally made it on President's Day since I was off from work.  Bentley & I trudged through some rooty and muddy areas.  About halfway through the trail, there was a sign saying "Beware of Coyotes".  Of course, I panicked a little, but I gained my composure, said a prayer, and heightened my alert levels.  I had Bentley and my trusted hiking pole, oh and a whistle.  I finally came across another hiker, who was letting his two dogs run unleashed, but it made me feel better that someone else was on the trail.  Then another man was jogging, so I released some more fears.  

Yes, we had to step over this stream

And no coyotes were found!!!  Thank God!