Sunday, March 9, 2025

Grove Park Inn (2.26-2.27.25)

From my Facebook post...

"Grove Park Inn is such a nice resort in Asheville. I had the chance to stay while attending a job conference. Working remotely has so many advantages, but it was great seeing some of my CMs, MMs, & RMs in person for the first time. I didn't get to see 'The Pink Lady Ghost', but I'm in no ways mad about that!"

This is the supposed haunted room.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Underground Railroad Tree (2.22.25)

From my Facebook post... "There's the saying, "if these walls could talk", but today I wondered, "if these trees could talk". I finally made it to The Underground Railroad Tree near Guilford College today. The tree itself stands like a mighty warrior, and I can only imagine the fears it saw, heard, & felt during those treacherous times.

There were many other uniquely shaped and barren trees that could tell so many stories, if they could. I look forward to going back in the spring/summer to see the trees fully clothed.
My soul is humbled."

Friday, March 7, 2025

February 2025 Randoms


2.6.25:  Kevonstage in WS

2.14.25: Part of my Valentine's Day gift, so yummy!

2.16.25:  Church w/my kiddos

2.23.25: Tre First Visit to the Civil Rights Museum

2.21.25:  Travel Chicks Sleepover at Christina's

2.25.25:  Jesi Birthday Dinner at Arigatos

2.25.25:  Nightcap w/Schmanne & Kyna