Monday, November 19, 2018

Dream Team, Jen Jen's Birthday, & Hanging Rock Part Deux (11.16.18-11.18.18)

MTZBC appreciates its volunteers (Dream Teamers).

Bishop Pierce, Shanta, me, Jen Jen, Rokisha

Guest Comedian, Tahir Moore from All Def Digital & tours with KevOnStage
It's Jen Jen's Birthday!!!!

My Jen Jen loves her some Outwhack, aka Outback.

Hanging Rock Part Deux

My first trip to Hanging Rock last year focused on the trails with waterfalls.  This time, my Jamester and her son Logan, ventured with me to the actual hanging rock.  It was a struggle getting up the hill, but we made it!

GHOE 2018

Since I'm so far behind on posting this, I will not make it wordy.

The hubs was blessed with tickets to the comedy show.  I just wish the language wasn't so terrible.  I'm too old and my ears are too tender.  :)

The GHOE Parade
Ken Ken with her dance group

Bruh E highstepping with the alumni band

It was cold, but we had to rock our Aggie Pride with our hoodies

Surprised to see Diana and the Dancing Dolls, but everybody wants to come to GHOE!!!

I wish I could remember the name of the salon that was passing these out, but I was thankful

The new Student Union is awesome.  It makes me want to go back to school just to hang out there.

Hmmmm, this is the rag that the hubs had laying around the house.  We beat them!!!!