Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Cobras, Cars, & Classmates 8.3-8.10.19

The Carolina Cobras made the inaugural debut in 2018.  Up until that point, I had never been to an indoor football game.  And now that I've developed a small love for football, I was so excited to work at some of their games last year.  With them winning the championship last year, I was all excited about attending every home game this season.  Unfortunately, other events got in the way so I was only able to attend the last home playoff game.  And great thing that I did, because they won.  Schmanne even turned into a super fan at her first game by buying 2 Cobra shirts.

August is Family Matters month at MTZBC.  I volunteered at the National Night Out event on Tuesday, 8.6.19 while also babysitting "Mikki".  I ended up with a flat tire, but thanks to Marsha and her son, Xavier, "Mikki" and I both got a lesson on how to put on a spare.

"Mikki" making an organic salad.

My girl's first time on the field as a Dudley Panther Cheerleader at the 2019 Jamboree.

Mavahi Giveback Class Reunion ('90-'96)  8.10.19

So glad I attended the inaugural giveback reunion created by LaToyna Miller.  She and the committee members did a great job, and I look forward to this being an annual event.

July 2019 Recap

Chick Fil A Customer Appreciation Day July 8,2019

CFA Throwback...  I've been doing this for years.  😆😆😆

Leela James Concert with my sis  July 15, 2019
I don't know why my flash just wouldn't work.

Lion King Movie July 21, 2019

Crafting Craze

I love my grinders and their new holder.

This will be hung on my entry door to frame my peephole.

I also started a rope basket, but it wasn't finished at this point. 

Aggies & Axes July 26-27, 2019

My first time axe throwing, and my first actual hit.

I hit in the bulls eye a few times, but I accidentally deleted the pic.

I beat both of my fellow Aggies in our one-on-one matches.  #shebad

Me dining at the HBCU Cookout
July Flood & Storm July 31, 2019

The tree across the street was hit by lightening.