Friday, January 4, 2019

2019 Came in a Like a Bullet

I managed to work both my gigs on NYE.  The coliseum gig was most interesting.  I felt like I had been thrust back in time to a show that merged Studio 54 with Woodstock with Comicon with a hint of modern day Burning Man.  Bassnectar drew in a crowd of over 22k people, and  I had never seen anything like it before in my life.  I finally realized that it was a concert for DJs, and the patrons enjoyed getting high and drunk with extremely loud music.  I do believe I received a contact high from all the weed smoking, and received several hugs and "I love you"s from complete strangers.  I must say that it wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be, but thank God I did leave early to head to the church house.

I made it to church just in time for service to start, and it was awesome as usual.

After returning home from Waffle House, we learned that someone's celebratory gun shooting resulted in the bullet landing in our bedroom.  Thank God that no one was hurt, and there was minor damage.  I really don't understand why people have to celebrate by shooting guns!!!

I'm truly excited for 2019 as I have beefed up my travel plans for the year.  I will live my best life at all costs, well within reason.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow... out of all places, the bullet had to land in your house?!?! And you're not even in Davidson County! Glad no one was hurt! Your eventful NYE made mine seem pretty dull but that's okay. May 2019 be adventurous for us all!
