Thursday, September 24, 2020

Babes in Bedrock (9.19.20)

 Weekend in Jamaica for my cuzzo's wedding-FAILED!  Thanks, COVID-19.

Weekend in Gatlinburg, TN-FAILED!  Thanks to the car show that jacked up the hotel prices.

So, we (me & my sis from another miss) ventured to Sharp Top Mountain in Bedford, VA.

We met up in Danville, hunted for trekking/walking sticks, then headed up the road.

First, let me just say, my body was not fully prepared for the steepness of this mountain.  We had to make a few rest stops along the 1.4 mile hike to the top.  The trekking sticks were absolute life savers.   Sis joked that it looked like Fraggle Rock, and I felt like we were visiting the Flintstones.  Either way, once at the top, it was well worth the sore muscles and weak knees.

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